Minnesota hits another COVID-19 new case record

By Maia Irvin 

On Tuesday, the Minnesota Department of Health reported another single-day record of COVID-19 cases in Minnesota, according to news sources. 

According to the Star Tribune, the Department of Health reported 3,483 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, which is a new single-day record for the state. The state also reported 15 more deaths on Tuesday due to COVID-19, MPR reported. 

COVID-19 case totals in Minnesota are now at 157,096 cases and 2,499 deaths, according to the Star Tribune. 

MPR reported that rural areas in Minnesota are reporting the most new cases, especially in western in northwestern parts of the state.

Health officials are urging people to continue taking COVID-19 safety precautions such as avoiding large gatherings, wearing masks and social distancing, the Star Tribune reported. Officials are also asking people to cooperate with contact tracers, according to the Star Tribune. 

Minnesota's COVID-19 positivity rate is currently at 9%, according to the Star Tribune. The Star Tribune also reported that the last time the positivity rate in Minnesota was this high was in May. 

"Minnesota is in a bad spot...and it's going to get worse before it gets better," Kris Ehresmann, the state infectious disease director, told reporters on Monday, according to MPR. 


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