CNN's visuals compliment its content

By Maia Irvin 

I think the CNN story about the distribution of the electoral votes and how Biden won included voter data in a way that was compelling. In this story, CNN laid out a lot of their voter data by using compelling visuals like colorful maps and graphs. I think that this visual component adds to the story and how readers understand the voter data. 

So, CNN did a good job of visually laying out the data for readers, but the journalists also did a good job of synthesizing the election result and voter data in their written reporting. I think that most readers would have still been able to understand and digest what the journalists wrote, which is good, without the visuals. The graphics make the story more compelling though and propel the reader to continue reading. 

The sources for a lot of the data that the journalists presented in this story were state election offices. 

The data that the journalists included and analyzed in this news story compliment a larger story about how the electoral vote appeared throughout the country, which key states Biden won that Trump won in 2016 and which key counties throughout the country that Biden gained. 


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