Woman uses racial slurs to attack Pennsylvania's second lady

By Maia Irvin 

On Sunday, a woman at a grocery store in Braddock, Pennsylvania attacked Pennsylvania's second lady, Gisele Barreto Fetterman, with racial slurs, according to news sources. 

State troopers usually accompany Fetterman when she leaves her home, but she decided to make a quick, unaccompanied trip to the Aldi's store near her home on Sunday, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer

The Inquirer reported that a woman at the store recognized Fetterman, who was born in Brazil, and yelled racial slurs at her. The woman repeatedly called her the n-word, Fetterman said, reported the Inquirer.

"There's that n-word that Fetterman married. You don't belong here," the woman said to Fetterman, according to The Washington Post.

As Fetterman was leaving, the woman went to her car, and the confrontation continued in the parking lot, according to Fetterman's Twitter. Fetterman filmed the confrontation and posted the video on her Twitter Sunday night.  

"This behavior and this hatred is taught," Fetterman said in her Twitter post. 

According to the Post, political tensions in Pennsylvania are high right now because both presidential candidates have targeted the state as an important battleground state in the upcoming election. 


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