
By Maia Irvin  

Preparation for any type of report is important, but it's key for reports on debates. A reporter needs to be knowledgeable of the topics scheduled to be discussed and of the general behaviors of the participants. 

For the presidential debate this Thursday, I would start my preparation by looking up what topics the debate commission announced. After I found out what topics are scheduled to be discussed, I would conduct research on all six of the topics. 

Once I knew the content scheduled to be discussed, I would research each candidate's stance on each topic. This would allow me to prepare for answers that I would expect each candidate to provide to questions. 

After that, I would note everything that I know about the personalities and behaviors that the candidates typically exhibit. This way, if something unexpected happens or is said, I will not be surprised. 

During the debate, I would plan to record the audio on my phone, take notes on my laptop and mark timestamps of when someone says something that is notable. I would also try to continuously check Twitter for updates from other news networks and to see how the public is reacting to the debate. 


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